The Party | The $1000 Playboys/Shades of Orange | Garmarna/Rasta Hunden| my Orchard | The Confusions
Left Hand Solution/The Kristet Utseende | The crowd 1 | The crowd 2 | The crowd 3 | The crowd 4 | The crowd 5

Even even even more Guests!

Mats Berglund (The Pharaoes), Jenny Berg and Caroline Renström

Moved to tears at the jubilee - Partik Leidert (The Glendoras/Inspectors) and Tom Börjesson

Taste this ! - Anna Ljunglöf and once again Caroline Renström

Tom Börjesson, Mattias Westerlund (The Glendoras) and Niklas Olsson with Peter Svedin overlooking it all

Magnus Renström(Shades/The Glendoras)
at his best